
Showing 1-9 of 32 results


4 Keys to Remarkable Brand Storytelling

Storytelling is a compelling way to communicate brand value—but only if you’re telling stories that resonate with your audience. Find out how to craft authentic brand stories that captivate customers and build lasting loyalty.

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Dayo Tinkerman

Dayo Tinkerman

Supporting Diverse Needs: A Rebranding Success Story

Brand designer Bari Keenam shares how he turned a tricky logo redesign into a brand overhaul that helped his client establish an emotional connection with its customers.

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Bariledum Keenam

Bariledum Keenam

For Your Health: 5 Tips and Strategies for Wellness Branding

The health and wellness industry is booming, creating opportunity—and a competitive market. Wellness businesses can apply these branding best practices to stand out and connect with customers.

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Pilar Rios Niño

Pilar Rios Niño

How to Choose the Best Colors for Industry Events

Color in industry event design informs, inspires, and builds lasting brand awareness. Discover color strategies that delight attendees and set your event apart.

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Charlotte Miller

Charlotte Miller

Designing GitHub’s Octoverse: A Data Visualization Case Study

Designer Gemma Busquets shares how she created a responsive website and 20+ engaging charts and graphs for the software development platform’s annual report.

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Gemma Busquets

Gemma Busquets

When a simple logo refresh turned into a full-scale rebrand process, Toptal designer Rehan Saiyed took inspiration from ancient concepts of the number three—and a colorful parrot.

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Rehan Saiyed

Rehan Saiyed

Millennial Branding for a Boomer Product: A Branding Case Study

Millennials are tough customers, especially for products they associate with their parents’ lifestyles. This branding case study shows how an old-school item can appeal to Generation Y in an authentic way.

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Beatriz Garcia de Prado

Beatriz Garcia de Prado

How to Define a Brand Voice for Maximum Impact

A company’s brand voice is its unique demeanor and style of delivery, and it shapes every customer interaction. How can companies define brand voice guidelines that inspire ongoing trust?

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Nicola Fleming

Nicola Fleming

The Power of Structure: A Guide to Design System Models

Through trial and error, the makers of design systems have come to view their work as living products, not static documents. What can be learned from the design system models of large organizations?

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Alejandro Velasco

Alejandro Velasco

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