Debadutta is available for hire
Hire Debadutta


验证专家  in Engineering

AEM Developer

June 20, 2023

Debadutta is a seasoned professional with 17 years of expertise in Adobe Experience Manager and application development. 拥有敏捷认证和丰富的银行和金融服务经验, 他擅长打造健壮的架构, 利用Java, 优化核心框架. 结合勤奋和适应能力,Debadutta始终如一地推动组织目标.


Canada Life
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Java, Jakarta EE, HTML5, CSS, Linux...
Adobe体验管理器(AEM), Java, Jakarta EE, Java servlet, SCSS...
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), HTML5, Apache, Apache Maven, Full-stack, Java...





Windows, MacOS, Linux, Java, Adobe体验管理器(AEM),全栈


...我参与的项目是开发、设计、构建和支持AEM 6网站.



2022 - PRESENT
Canada Life
  • Developed and integrated Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) authentication logic for the Salesforce site to access Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) content. 迁移AEM 6.4 to AEM 6.5 .并记录过程.
  • Implemented and developed AEM impersonation utility and services for advisors to view site features.
  • 为站点开发带有步骤的新工作流程. 解决了通过servlet和脚本创建和维护用户和组的问题. 集成Smartling和Straker配置作为新的翻译和验证的MSM逻辑.
  • 集成inkRewriter逻辑,简化体验片段,同时创建语言副本. 固定拖船问题. Set up new dispatchers and added the Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol daemon (HTTPd) logic and codes as per requirements.
  • 开发并支持新的元数据模式. 编写新服务,使内容片段端点活跃并可用, used Solr, 并在Vue前端下开发新的组件和模板.
技术:Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Java, Jakarta EE, HTML5, CSS, Linux, Java Servlets, Apache Maven, Apache Solr


2020 - 2022
  • Introduced 内容片段 and Experience Fragment concepts to projects and worked on designing them to be used in various components. Educated the team on their usability, which became a huge success in terms of content reusability.
  • 开发新的组件,设计兼容MSM的内容结构.
  • 编写迁移脚本,将内容从遗留系统迁移到AEM.
  • 使用html开发可访问的AEM组件和web应用程序, HTML, React, TypeScript, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, Sass with SCSS, 和Java servlet.
Technologies: Adobe体验管理器(AEM), Java, Jakarta EE, Java servlet, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Apache Solr, HTTPD, Apache, Linux


2019 - 2020
  • 与涉众合作构建模板, ensuring they met the stakeholders' requirements and compliance with accessibility and development standards. 运用图形设计、UI和UX技能.
  • 使用html构建可访问的AEM组件和web应用程序, HTML, React, TypeScript, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, Sass with SCSS, 和Java servlet.
  • 介绍内容片段和体验片段的概念,并培训团队使用它们.
  • 为各种带有图像的组件开发了Rendition脚本.
  • 创建了新的组件,如股票报价机, product card, 导航和通知栏, 内联视频.
  • 介绍了在组件中使用AEM servlet,并创建了一个新的系统用户. 对POM进行了更改.XML文件,并将核心jar包含在安装文件夹中. 在配置管理器中提供从服务名称到用户的映射.
  • 解决调度员和Akamai的生产问题. 设计全局定位器,开发概念,对Servlet和前端部分进行编码.
技术:Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), HTML5, Apache, Apache Maven, Full-stack, Java, Java Servlets, JavaScript, jQuery, Adobe Launch, Adobe Target, Adobe观众管理器


2018 - 2019
  • Built AEM 6.4个原型项目,并帮助团队计划从遗留CMS到AEM的迁移. 介绍了AEM中Google AMP的概念, 提高可用性,说服访问者停留更长时间,网页加载更快.
  • 集成引导与网格布局容器. 创建所需的设计模板、页面模板和相关组件.
  • Architected and created a social sharing tool allowing the company to share articles on AEM live site via Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. 它降低了成本,因为企业不必为第三方支付费用.
  • Prepared several technical sessions for the whole team and a hands-on document because the team struggled with understanding the inheritance logic in AEM and how the base template page worked.
  • 创建了第二个图像组件——带描述的carousel——和一个英雄横幅组件.
  • 提供了一个新的头组件的解决方案和体系结构, 因为前一个是一个重要的瓶颈. It allowed the company to use the same header component for different locales and supported their analytics.
  • Created and architected the CP24 site by optimally using the components and considering the best performance.
  • 培训整个团队使用即时可用的标签管理器, 内容片段, 以及它们在现实世界中的作用. 为DevOps团队举办用户管理模型的培训课程.
  • Configured Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) via AEM for the client to enhance the user directory.
技术:Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Full-stack, Apache, Adobe Launch, Adobe Target, Java, Jakarta EE, JavaScript, SCSS, Linux, SQL, Java Servlets, HTML5


2017 - 2018
  • Built AEM and Adobe Communique 5 (Adobe CQ5) components using front-end web best practices to ensure their reusability and scalability across Digital Asset Management (DAM), E-tire, Triangle, 和KIOSK项目.
  • Supported the development of wireframes for highly personalized and customized client experiences for key client groups.
  • Collaborated closely with business analysts to outline and review business requirements documents and ensure they accurately reflected the desired client experience within budget and timeline requirements.
  • Participated in design review sessions, application development, and maintenance of existing systems. 领导海上和陆上团队开发应用程序.
  • 评估,设计,记录和建立新的数字计划技术协议. 集成的解决方案和推荐的创新技术增强了系统.
  • Collaborated with architects and analysts in maintaining roadmaps that connected business strategies to capabilities and provided a milestone view in an agile environment.
  • Used extensively Dynamic Tag Management (DTM), Adobe观众管理器 (AAM), Adobe Target, and AEM.
技术:Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), CSS, Adobe Launch, Adobe Target, Adobe观众管理器, Apache Maven, Apache Solr, Full-stack, HTML5, HTTPD, Java, Jakarta EE, JavaScript, jQuery, Java Servlets


2017 - 2017
  • 开发AEM 6.2 and 6.3组件和内容结构兼容MSM和SiteCatalyst. 支持运营团队配置和部署Akamai内容交付网络(cdn).
  • 设计并实现了体系结构方法、业务审查和文档系统.
  • 集成AEM云服务与电话和聊天支持系统. 计划并将它们从CQ 5迁移到AEM 6.
  • 通过计划为多个项目做出贡献, estimating, 并为蒙特利尔的客户开发AEM迁移的概念验证(poc), Ottawa, and Toronto.
技术:Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), CSS, Adobe Launch, Adobe Target, Adobe观众管理器, Apache Maven, Apache Solr, Apache, HTML5, HTTPD, Java, Jakarta EE, Full-stack, jQuery, Linux


2016 - 2017
  • 参与从CQ 5开始的迁移计划和部署阶段.5 to AEM 6.1. 使组件与AEM 6兼容,并修改了在触摸UI上正确运行的对话框. 为各种自动化过程配置调度程序和工作流启动程序.
  • 将展厅渲染机制迁移到AEM Dispatcher. Identified components that needed to be migrated to SimpleStack's dispatcher rendering mechanism and enhanced them accordingly.
  • 设置Akamai重定向规则,并与操作协作创建主机名, Akamai Cloudlet策略, and HTTP. 将dispatcher配置为Akamai Production中的origin.
  • 与产品负责人协调, site authors, 和利益相关者一起了解新的需求和现有的问题.
  • 设计和开发架构方法和解决方案, 进行业务审查, 文件化的现行制度, 并就如何进行申请提出了建议.
  • Used AEM cloud services and developed page inheritance for InIn Chat and sticky-support components to help users communicate with business agents directly via phone or chat.
  • 通过与不同的利益相关者合作,为最终客户提供业务价值, 增殖工作, 跟踪当前CMS市场和新兴领域.
  • 设计并开发了所有属性的MSM结构. Used sightly and bins for developing components and followed other AEM best practices to improve the site's performance.
  • 开发新组件, 设计与MSM兼容的内容结构, 并将Adobe营销云与SiteCatalyst集成为CMS 2的一部分.0 new project. 其目的是为不同的总线提供一个简化编写的平台.
  • 设计和开发响应式网站- quickbooks.Com和使用Twitter Bootstrap. 将Intuit SBG Care传统CMS站点迁移到AEM 6.2、创建内容片段,实现标记分类法.
技术:Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Full-stack, Adobe Target, Adobe Launch, Adobe观众管理器, Apache Maven, Apache, HTML5, CSS, HTTPD, Jakarta EE, Java, JavaScript, Java Servlets, Linux


2014 - 2016
戴尔EMC XtremIO
  • Played a key role in turning around the underperforming project titled EMC Folio as a profitable venture for the marketing team.
  • Implemented, integrated, and tested modifications for the AEM folio project while working for EMC2 that improved application performance during the product ordering phase.
  • Upgraded AEM, 在不同环境之间迁移, 维护环境, 包括优化TAR文件, indexing, 建立复制代理.
  • 为作者和发布服务器配置调度程序,并开发和管理emc.网站在aem6.1.
  • 指导、培训和指导初级开发人员和非jakarta EE团队成员.
技术:Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), FatWire, Apache, Apache Maven, Java, Java Servlets, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Adobe Target, Full-stack, HTML5, Architecture


2013 - 2014
  • 监督端到端的活动,比如开发, testing, 和生产管理,跟进新项目和poc.
  • 通过为供应商产品norkom提供基础设施支持,为项目增加了价值.
  • 将POC FatWire迁移到Adobe cq6.1, 开发所需的AEM脚本和组件, 这一点得到了营销团队的高度赞赏.
  • 为节省150澳元发挥了关键作用,000 for Bankwest through innovative approaches for improving the performance of public websites and resolving publishing issues.
技术:FatWire, Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Java, JavaScript, jQuery, SCSS, HTML5, SQL, Java Servlets, 反洗钱(AML)


2012 - 2013
  • Handled all the project releases, including Day CQ application deployment and infrastructure changes.
  • Improved application efficiency by debugging and revamping Java and Jakarta EE code and program in Struts framework for Westpac client.
  • Attended the bridge call and identified solutions for production issues related to Day CQ sites—replication, dispatcher, 和客户-在规定的时间内.
  • Handled the resolution of issues in the form of tickets through Remedy within the stipulated service-level agreements (SLAs).
  • Ran multiple projects and successfully guided the team for which I received the award for the best employee of the year in 2012.
技术:Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Unix Shell脚本, Unix, Java, Jakarta EE, Full-stack, 反洗钱(AML), Servlet, Day CQ


2009 - 2011
  • 使用Java为前端应用程序开发代码以支持新功能, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, 和Java服务器页面(JSP).
  • 协助团队领导准备项目工作量估算, 包括资源需求, 高级分析, 以及对其他活动的影响.
  • 在指定的sla内通过Remedy解决的票据.
技术:Java, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5


2006 - 2008
  • 开发了Java和Jakarta EE代码来支持新的应用程序功能.
  • 提供实施后支持并解决最终用户提出的服务请求. Created various technical documents for applications and updated monthly and weekly status reports.
  • 进行分析等活动, 详细设计, coding, testing, 质量保证支持, 现场沟通.
技术:Java, Jakarta EE, CSS, JavaScript, Java Servlets, FatWire, SQL


The project aimed to develop and integrate SAML authentication logic for Salesforce to access AEM content. 我在开发逻辑、迁移AEM 6方面发挥了关键作用.4 to AEM 6.5、记录过程. I also built and implemented AEM impersonation utility and services to enable advisors to view site features.


The project involved integrating Smartling and Straker configurations as the new translator and validating MSM logic. I contributed to this project by resolving issues with creating users and groups and maintaining them via servlets and scripts. I also integrated inkRewriter logic to simplify Experience Fragments while creating language copies.
2002 - 2006


技术教育与研究所(ITER Bhubaneswar)——布巴内斯瓦尔,印度


Java servlet、jQuery


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Adobe体验管理器(AEM)表单6, Apache Maven, Adobe Target, Apache Solr, Apache, Servlet


SCSS, CSS, HTML5, Java, JavaScript, SQL


MacOS, Linux, Unix, Windows, Jakarta EE, Adobe受众管理器,Day CQ


Full-stack, HTTPD, Adobe Launch, FatWire, Architecture, 反洗钱(AML), Unix Shell脚本



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