Irakli Gugushvili, Developer in Tbilisi, Georgia
Irakli is available for hire
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Irakli Gugushvili

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Python Developer

Tbilisi, Georgia
Toptal Member Since
May 23, 2018

Irakli是一名Python开发人员,在多个行业拥有七年的经验. He started as a machine learning developer, expanded into a range of back-end technologies, and became an expert in web scraping. Irakli还精通云技术,目前是一名高级Python云工程师和AWS和Azure架构师. 他拥有数学和计算机科学学士学位,这为他的行业经验提供了支持.


HUB Security
Python, Django, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP)...
Staunch Technologies (via Toptal)
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Python, Azure
Python, Flask, Azure




Preferred Environment

PyCharm, Windows, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Python, Git, Ubuntu

The most amazing...

...thing I've developed is my stock price prediction model using LSTM.

Work Experience

Senior Python Back-end Engineer

2021 - PRESENT
HUB Security
  • 使用Django为渗透测试平台创建后端基础设施.
  • 开发了使用预定义的攻击脚本创建、运行和监控机器人的功能.
  • 通过为用户添加创建功能来扩展平台功能, test, run, and monitor attacks manually.
  • Implemented a bot geolocation functionality into the system.
  • Integrated Oracle Cloud as the new cloud provider.
技术:Python, Django, Amazon Web Services (AWS),谷歌Cloud Platform (GCP), Oracle Cloud

Senior Python Cloud Engineer | AWS and Azure Architect

2019 - 2023
Staunch Technologies (via Toptal)
  • Developed a system where a root user can monitor subusers' AWS activity.
  • 创建网站,用于将Amazon VPC绑定到没有公网访问权限的Amazon EC2服务器上.
  • Built and developed a system for monitoring Azure users' activities.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Python, Azure

Senior Python Engineer

2021 - 2021
  • Created ETL for the recommendation engine using Azure Functions.
  • 使用Flask实现推荐引擎的后端功能.
  • Integrated FAISS to make the vector comparison for better recommendations.
Technologies: Python, Flask, Azure

Web Scraping Expert

2019 - 2021
  • 开发了许多使用Scrapy抓取公开可用数据的项目, Selenium, Requests, BeautifulSoup, and other scraping technologies.
  • 为URL数据收集、抓取、解析和存储创建了一个功能齐全的管道.
  • 建立了一个系统,将定期运行,并检查多个网站抓取器的状态.
Technologies: Web Scraping, Python

Python Developer

2019 - 2020
Treehouse Technology Group (via Toptal)
  • Developed an email receiver and parser system deployed on AWS. 它接收电子邮件,解析其正文,并根据其内容调用不同的api.
  • Created a data analyzer API that was responsible for analysis.
  • Developed a data prediction API that was responsible for predictions.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Flask, Python

Data Scraping Engineer

2019 - 2019
Yipit (via Toptal)
  • Developed many projects for scraping publicly available data.
  • Rewrote old scrapers using a new approach to increase coverage.
  • 创建测试功能来比较不同的抓取脚本覆盖率.
Technologies: Web Scraping, Python

Machine Learning Developer

2017 - 2019
  • Created a model for stock market price predictions.
  • Built a backtesting environment for predictions in a lean engine.
  • 使用Interactive Brokers服务器和Python API开发了一个纸质交易(模拟)系统.
  • Constructed a sentiment analysis tool to increase prediction accuracy.
Technologies: Machine Learning, Python


2016 - 2017
  • Implemented different logic for insurance clients.
  • 开发并部署了一个更新版本的再保险模型来帮助客户.
  • Conducted tests for every model of insurance logic.
  • Developed a helper web application using ASP.NET MVC.
Technologies: ASP.NET MVC, C#


2015 - 2016
Bank of Georgia
  • Implemented different types of logic in SQL for internal use.
  • Developed an application in Java for bank employees.
  • Tested the bank's functionalities on the application and database side.
Technologies: SQL

Penetration Testing Platform

我们创建了一个渗透测试平台,用户可以在其中运行和监视预定义的攻击. 用户可以手动创建自定义攻击,并对其进行测试、运行和监控. We used Django for the back end, PostgreSQL for the database, AWS for the deployment and separate asynchronous tools, GCP for bot creation and running, and Elasticsearch for logs.

Azure Monitoring System

我们开发了这个系统来监控Azure用户的活动,使用内置和自定义策略组合来检查合规性. 在不符合规定的情况下,系统会提醒业主解决问题. We could also do the enforcement on our end if needed. We used Azure Logic Apps to start, Azure Functions to execute the logic, Azure Queue Storage to communicate between functions, and Azure Table to save the data.

AWS Monitoring System

This system allowed a root user to monitor the activities of sub-users. 它以一定的时间间隔运行,收集子用户活动,并在需要时强制执行遵从性. We used several lambda functions, SQS for communication, DynamoDB for saving the data, Elasticsearch for logs, Jenkins for CI/CD, and Terraform for infrastructure as code.

Recommendation Engine

这个项目是关于为视频流媒体平台创建一个推荐引擎. I created the entire infrastructure, starting from ETL using Azure Functions, the back-end API using Flask, and finally, vector comparison and prediction using Faiss.

Connector (via Toptal)

我们创建这个网站是为了将一个具有NLB和TG设置的VPC附加到没有公共访问权限的EC2实例上. Using the server this way was much safer. 我主要关注后端,在AWS Step Functions中实现了整个attach和detaching流水线. We used React with an API Gateway on the front end, Jenkins for CI/CD, and Terraform for infrastructure as code.

Public Data Scraper

这个项目包括使用Scrapy抓取各种公开可用的数据. 我为不同的数据源创建了管道和所有不同的蜘蛛. The main challenge for static websites was parsing different pages; for dynamic websites, it was simulating a JavaScript request that loaded the data. 我们使用Scrapinghub(现在的Zyte)进行部署,并使用带有DynamoDB的AWS S3来保存数据.

Data Analysis and Prediction System (via Toptal)

In this project, 我使用各种工具创建了一个数据分析器和预测系统,用于不同类型的数据. 然后,我使用Flask-RESTful创建了一个API,并将上面提到的系统包装在其中.

RedString Bookmarking System (via Toptal)

This is a bookmarking system that saves URLs and their locations. 我们通过使用谷歌的地理位置和天气数据来完成这个任务,这些数据是通过IBM文本分析器抓取和分析的. 我们使用部署在AWS Elastic Beanstalk上的Flask作为主要技术.

Email Receiver/Parser System (via Toptal)

该系统可以接收电子邮件,对其进行解析,并根据其内容调用不同的api. We deployed it on AWS using SES for notifications, S3 for saving the emails, RDS for saving logs, and Lambda for parsing and calling the API.

Deep Web Crawler (via Toptal)

该项目专注于使用Python Scrapy抓取深层网络以获取医学信息. I created and fixed crawlers along with the pipeline. The most challenging thing to handle in this project was the scale.

Building Tuner (via Toptal)

这个项目使管理大学建筑变得更加容易,因为大量的设备不断更新建筑数据. 我创建了一个数据库来存储所有的数据,并在此基础上建立了数据分析机制来处理所有的信息. 我还将所有这些打包到一个Python Dash web应用程序中,并将其部署在Heroku上.

Arabic Dialect Recognizer

This project analyzed and classified Arabic speech. Working on it was challenging, mainly because I don't speak Arabic. 我必须做一些额外的工作来正确评估不同的模型,并了解哪种模型更好.

LinkedIn Scraper

I have created many different LinkedIn scrapers during my career. 有些人使用高级搜索功能收集个人和公司数据,并提供最佳的结果过滤. 我还实现了账户轮换,以避免被封禁,并通过在AWS上部署爬虫程序实现了流程自动化.

Sentiment Analysis Tool

我创造了这个情绪分析工具来提高股票市场价格预测的准确性. It checks for tweets, analyzes them using Word2Vec and a CNN architecture model, and outputs the sentiment. This project was very challenging!

Stock Market Price Predictor

I created a model for stock market price predictions. Then I added backtesting using a lean engine. Finally, 我设置了一个Interactive Brokers (IB)服务器,并使用IB Python API创建了一个纸质交易(模拟)环境.

Badminton Scraper and API

I created a scraper for badminton live scores, matches, draws, and players, and I built an API on top of that. The whole project was scheduled and deployed on Amazon EC2. This was one of the biggest scraping projects I've worked on.

Reinsurance Company Project

This was a huge project for reinsurance companies. I added full reinsurance functionalities in C#. 最困难的挑战是理解复杂的保险逻辑和创建可重用代码.

Torrent Client
In this project, 我实现了一个BitTorrent协议,允许用户创建自己的torrent客户端. 这是我使用Python并应用我的网络知识的第一个项目之一.

HTTP Server
This was an HTTP server implementation written in C. 在这个项目中工作是具有挑战性和有趣的,因为我必须从头开始实现几乎所有的东西, which expanded my technology experience.


Python, SQL


Flask, Selenium, Scrapy, Django


Requests, Beautiful Soup, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Keras


Git, PyCharm, Jenkins, Terraform, Boto 3


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Windows, Linux, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Ubuntu


PostgreSQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Azure Table Storage, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Oracle Cloud


Web Scraping, Machine Learning

2013 - 2017

Bachelor's Degree in Math and Computer Science

Free University of Tbilisi - Tbilisi, Georgia