Martins Kozlovskis, Developer in Riga, Latvia
Martins is available for hire
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Martins Kozlovskis

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Riga, Latvia
Toptal Member Since
April 24, 2017

Martins是一位经验丰富的全栈web开发人员和技术领导者, 专攻JavaScript和Angular等框架, React, and Node.js. He is adept at building responsive, mobile-first websites and excels in leadership, effective communication, and fostering collaborative team environments.


TypeScript, JavaScript, React,材质UI,架构,前端...
Boston Consulting Group
Bootstrap, Python, Node.js, React, Angular, Material UI, Python 3, TypeScript...
React Native, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Flux, React, Angular...




Preferred Environment

Git, WebStorm, MacOS, Ubuntu

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Lead Front-end Developer

2023 - 2023
  • Spearheaded front-end development, focusing on key technical decisions to craft intuitive, responsive user interfaces, in a fast-paced crypto startup environment.
  • 在快速代码交付和高代码质量之间取得战略平衡.
  • 指导前端战略,以建立一个强大的和前瞻性的技术堆栈.
  • Played a collaborative role in task refinement, optimizing for both user needs and technical efficiency.
  • Mentored team members in best practices, 培养重视质量和凝聚力的团队文化.
Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, React,材质UI,架构,前端, Front-end Architecture, Mobile, Figma, Third-party APIs, Communication, Testing, Agile, Automated Testing, CI/CD Pipelines, GitLab, GitLab CI/CD, UX Design, UI Design, Web Development, API Integration, APIs, Data Visualization, Mobile Development, Technical Leadership, Data Processing, Leadership, Asynchronous Programming, Web UI, Web UX

Freelance Web Developer

2019 - 2023
Boston Consulting Group
  • 维护、部署和创建web应用程序的新功能.
  • Improved the speed, efficiency, and UX of the apps.
  • Integrated security and authentication for the apps.
  • 增加了PWA功能,如离线使用,以实现更高效的客户端演示.
  • 与开发后端系统的数据科学家密切合作.
  • 开发和改进用于推销新客户的演示.
Technologies: Bootstrap, Python, Node.js, React, Angular, Material UI, Python 3, TypeScript, Front-end, Front-end Architecture, Documentation, Communication, Testing, Automated Testing, Styled-components, CI/CD Pipelines, UX Design, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), UI Design, Web Development, API Integration, APIs, GitHub, Data Visualization, Widgets, Third-party Integration, Mobile Development, Data Processing, Leadership, Asynchronous Programming, Web UI, Web UX

Freelance Full-stack Web Developer

2016 - 2020
  • 为从大型咨询公司到个人创业公司的客户处理全栈web开发项目.
  • 为在海牙从事金融服务行业的客户制定了一个项目, the Netherlands. Mainly worked with Angular and Node.js. 遵循敏捷开发实践和测试/行为驱动的开发指南.
  • 为一位需要管理学生的武术教练开发了一款网络应用, classes, expenses, and more; used React and Bootstrap 3 in the front-end and Node.js (Express) in the back-end.
  • 实现了一个小型网络抓取工具,为本地客户端解析数据.
  • Worked on a React project that implemented an intranet-like system for individual companies; also implemented the same app on mobile with React Native.
Technologies: React Native, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Flux, React, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, Full-stack, Architecture, Full-stack Development, Front-end, Front-end Architecture, Mobile, Figma, Third-party APIs, Communication, Testing, Agile, Automated Testing, CI/CD Pipelines, UX Design, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), UI Design, Web Development, API Integration, APIs, GitHub, Data Visualization, Mobile Development, Technical Leadership, Data Processing, Leadership, Asynchronous Programming, Web UI, Web UX

Freelance Front-end Developer

2017 - 2019
Aegon Netherlands
  • 为在海牙从事金融服务行业的客户制定了一个项目, the Netherlands.
  • 主要使用Angular,也使用Amazon Lambda实现微服务,并使用Apigee构建REST API.
  • 遵循敏捷和行为驱动的开发技术,实现了超过90%的单元测试覆盖率.
  • 与团队一起在现场工作,后来转移到远程工作.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bootstrap, Microservices, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, Front-end, Communication, Testing, Agile, CI/CD Pipelines, Finance, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), UI Design, Web Development, API Integration, APIs, GitHub, Mobile Development, Leadership, Asynchronous Programming

Front-end Developer

2016 - 2017
Intrum Justitia
  • 构建一个内部系统的前端,使用Angular 2作为UI框架,Angular Material作为UI组件框架.
  • 使用JavaScript和Handlebars开发了其他一些内部web项目.js for templating.
Technologies: Angular Material, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, Front-end, Communication, Testing, Web Development, Asynchronous Programming

Senior Developer

2015 - 2016
  • 作为前端开发人员在欧洲参与过不同的现场项目.
  • Developed SAPUI5 framework projects in Walldorf, Germany—implementing, improving, fixing, 并测试SAPUI5框架内使用的UI控件.
  • Developed SAPUI5 app projects in Walldorf, 德国——特别是使用SAPUI5框架和许多实验技术创建web应用程序.
  • 在SAPUI5应用程序的规划和实际工作中使用了敏捷方法.
  • 为挪威一家电信公司使用的CMS开发新的UI特性.
Technologies: Test-driven Development (TDD), AngularJS, SAPUI5, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Front-end, Documentation, Communication, Testing, Agile, Automated Testing, Web Development, GitHub, Asynchronous Programming


2014 - 2015
  • Implemented eCommerce sites using the Magento platform.
  • 为一家时尚零售商的电子商店制作响应式设计和定制模块(前端和后端).
  • 在JavaScript中实现了自定义彩票生成器,能够以不同的组合抽取随机数.
Technologies: Magento, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Front-end, Communication, Testing, Web Development, Asynchronous Programming


2013 - 2014
  • 用c#和。开发了一个对冲基金后台系统 .NET framework; also wrote some PL/SQL procedures.
  • 与位于里加、伦敦和香港的成员组成的国际团队一起工作.
Technologies: PL/SQL, .NET, C#, Communication, Testing, Trading

Client Support Analyst

2012 - 2013
  • 支持客户使用公司销售的对冲基金软件.
  • 执行主要使用SQL的技术任务和涉及通过电子邮件和电话与客户端通信的非技术任务.
Technologies: Oracle, SQL, Communication, Trading

Hesti: Real Estate Evaluation App

The first option is AI-driven. I collect real estate ads with a web scraper, parse the data, 然后用它来训练一个机器学习算法来预测当前的价格.

第二个选项是查看实际事务的历史数据. 我使用一个公共API来收集用户可以浏览的房地产交易数据.

Yelo: Road Traffic Rule App for the 21st Century
This is a mobile app (iOS, Android与React Native构建)学习道路交通规则在拉脱维亚. 在这个项目中,我作为一个3人团队的技术联合创始人. 除了负责应用程序的技术方面, 我与设计师和产品负责人密切合作,决定如何制作应用程序.

Anti-corruption App

我召集了一个由开发人员和商业分析师组成的团队参加黑客马拉松,我们在那里创建了一个网络应用程序,用于收集和显示来自公共采购办公室的数据. 该工具旨在使数据(以无组织的方式存储在XML文件中)易于概述和过滤. The tool (Angular in the front end and Express.(在后端)帮助人们识别可能涉及腐败的可疑采购.


Used Car Price Evaluator App
我使用了一个web scraper (CasperJS),它从网站收集数据并将其存储在MongoDB数据库中. 这些数据可以在Angular 2应用中可视化、编辑、过滤或删除. 机器学习(神经网络)算法使用这些数据来学习预测汽车价格.


ECMAScript (ES6), HTML, TypeScript, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP, C#, Sass, Less, HTML5, SQL, Octave, GraphQL, Python 3


Angular, Bootstrap, Next.js, Material UI, Express.js、React Native、Angular Material、Flux、Redux、AngularJS、 .NET


Node.js, React, REST APIs, jQuery, TensorFlow


Git, NPM, GitHub, Jira, Mongoose, SAPUI5, Bamboo, Webpack, Babel, CasperJS, WebStorm, Figma, GitLab, GitLab CI/CD


Responsive Web Design (RWD), Testing, Automated Testing, Mobile Development, Asynchronous Programming, Test-driven Development (TDD), Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Scrum, REST, Agile, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), UX Design, UI Design, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Microservices, Management, Web UI Design, Web UX Design, Data Science


APIs, Mobile First, Front-end Development, Full-stack, Architecture, Full-stack Development, Front-end, Front-end Architecture, Communication, Web Development, API Integration, Technical Leadership, Web Scraping, Machine Learning, Finance, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Documentation, Third-party APIs, Styled-components, CI/CD Pipelines, Trading, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Data Visualization, Widgets, Third-party Integration, Data Scraping, Data Processing, Leadership, Web UI, Web UX, GitFlow, Web App Security, Apps, Econometrics, Mathematics, Economics, Business Administration, Data, Startups, Responsive Web Apps, Mobile Apps, Data Analytics, CTO


Ubuntu、Heroku、MacOS、Mobile、Magento、Oracle、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Windows、Docker


MongoDB, PL/SQL, PostgreSQL

2009 - 2012

Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics and Finance

Stockholm School of Economics in Riga - Riga, Latvia


Machine Learning



Usable Security



Software Security
