Simon Berglund, Developer in Stockholm, Sweden
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Simon Berglund

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Python Developer

Stockholm, Sweden
Toptal Member Since
July 20, 2015

Simon是一名拥有8年移动开发经验和4年Python开发经验的全栈工程师. 他是一位具有创新精神和高度敬业精神的软件工程师,具有出色的沟通能力. He is known for his great instincts, entrepreneurial mindset, 以及他在保持预算的同时平衡最佳实践和生产力的能力. If you want high-performing applications, Simon is your guy.


App Shack AB
Lua, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Django, Swift, Objective-C
Appanero AB
Corona SDK, Android, Java, Lua, Objective-C, iOS




Preferred Environment

Git, Docker, iOS, MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Software Engineer

2013 - PRESENT
App Shack AB
  • 使用最新的iOS框架和工具构建了几个高性能的原生iOS应用.
  • Interacted with existing and new clients regarding requirements, budget, quality, and customer satisfaction.
  • Developed and helped out on numerous native Android projects.
  • 使用Django和Docker创建了几个高性能的后端应用程序.
  • 使用Native iOS为许多不同的客户开发了多个iOS和跨平台应用程序, Flutter, and React Native.
技术:Lua, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Django, Swift, Objective-C

Software Engineer

2013 - 2013
Appanero AB
  • 使用Objective-C开发了后来被称为“汉堡的Instagram”的应用程序.
  • 制作了一个针对2-10岁儿童的2D游戏,旨在教育他们身体的功能.
  • 在Objective-C中使用原生iOS编程为iOS创建了一个食品配方应用程序. 这款游戏发行于5:2减肥宣传的中期,并迅速登上了瑞典App Store的榜首, where it stayed for nearly a week.
  • Developed a replacement for the native contact book in iOS. Using the platform, 你的欧博体育app下载与你和你朋友的所有设备保持同步, thus eliminating the "Hey, I got a new phone, send me your number" problem.
  • 使用c#为健康和生活方式应用程序创建了一个高级RESTful API,并使用MVC和ASP编写了现有的核心代码层.NET. 另外利用这个API开发了一个Android应用程序.
Technologies: Corona SDK, Android, Java, Lua, Objective-C, iOS

Länsförsäkringar Bank App

我是Länsföräkringar Bank AB的一个大型敏捷团队中有影响力的iOS开发者. The app is continuously developed and maintained. 自推出以来,它在瑞典赢得了几个主要的设计和可用性奖项.

FlexySun - A Complete Payment Platform for Solariums

With over one million transactions per year, FlexySun已经成为晒黑行业支付解决方案的新行业标准. FlexySun is a standalone, 专门针对日光浴设施的FlexyPay应用程序的重新命名版本.

这款软件目前被瑞典和斯堪的纳维亚的200多家公司使用. I was the lead full-stack software engineer for this project.

Freja eID - Electronic Identity
An electronic identity on your mobile that allows you to log in, sign, 并以你的指纹或密码批准交易及协议. It also lets you monitor and control your digital activities. 因此,它不仅让你的数字生活更轻松,还能帮助你避免身份盗窃和欺诈. And it’s all free of charge!



I was a senior and lead iOS developer for this project.

FlexyPay App - Ultra Dynamic and Diverse Payments

我构建了FlexyPay应用程序,作为一个高度动态和安全的解决方案,用于处理移动支付和设施访问. 这是一个应用程序,嵌入FlexyPay的所有强大功能,在一个易于访问和理解的移动界面. One of its major areas of use has become unmanned stores. 最终用户使用该应用程序进行身份验证,并允许或拒绝访问该设施. When they are done and want to check out, they can use the app to pay for the goods that they picked up.

Because of the powerful identification features of FlexyPay, 店主可以对游客的行为感到自信.

FlexyKey - Future of IoT
With the rise of 5G, microcomputers, and modern smartphone technology, IoT is becoming more and more a reality. 从远程位置读取和控制设备的灵活性大大提高了许多业务部门的互连性和灵活性, research, and, in the end, people’s daily life.

Combining these concepts with modern smartphone apps, directly available in everyone’s pocket, allows for highly efficient and convenient services.

I have, together with FlexAccess, developed a technology called FlexyKey, 如何通过移动应用服务将高效的微硬件与智能技术相结合.

flexkey硬件允许在单个单元中基于网络或gsm控制多达64种不同的电子设备. It’s a generic, flexible unit that supports a wide range of devices, such as vending machines, doors, gates, car washes, and golf carts, to name a few.


Assistans För Dig

React Native Developer. 为瑞典个人护理公司Assistans För Dig构建一个完整的移动内部网. 作为5人团队中唯一的手机开发者,我负责架构决策和执行像素完美设计.

Livetree - Social Streaming Platform

I was responsible for the whole mobile development team.


我通过HTTPS实现了高质量流媒体的HLS技术, 与Fairplay技术相结合,实现安全的媒体内容交付.


Mobinix by Varningsinfo
我是2016年瑞典App Store最畅销应用之一的iOS开发者, Mobinix. Mobinix是一个数字电话簿,可以帮助你确定是否需要打电话.

Fritt Fram

Fritt Fram是一款为坐轮椅的人提供的移动应用程序,他们可以在其中找到满足他们残疾住宿和可用性需求的地方.


A math game for kids to progress faster in math.


Python, JavaScript, Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Lua, Java, PHP


iOS SDK, Django, React Native, Django REST框架,Redux, Corona SDK


REST APIs, Vue, Vuex


Ansible, Sentry, Xcode, Git, Jira, Fastlane, Sketch


Cross-platform, DevOps, Scrum, Model View Viewmodel (MVVM), MVC Design, Unit Testing, Database Design, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Reactive Programming, Functional Programming


Docker, iOS, Android, MacOS


PostgreSQL, MySQL


Stripe Payments, WebSockets

2010 - 2014

Master's Degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering

Uppsala University - Uppsala

2007 - 2010


Vilunda Gymnasium - Stockholm

Collaboration That Works

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