Sisir Kanti Adhikari,孟加拉国Moulvibazar的开发商
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Sisir Kanti Adhikari

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Moulvibazar, Bangladesh
Toptal Member Since
August 25, 2021

Sisir是一名拥有12年以上经验的高级全栈JavaScript工程师. 他经常参与软件规划、架构和系统设计. 他有领导一个小型开发团队的经验,对自动化充满热情. Sisir精通JavaScript/TypeScript、NestJS、React和Next.具有CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes和Terraform的工作知识.


Physicians Immediate Care
Self Employed
PHP, WordPress, WordPress插件,WordPress主题,JavaScript, React...
Chris Winters LLC
WordPress, WordPress主题,WordPress插件,服务器管理,CentOS...




Preferred Environment

WordPress, Node.js, React, Express.js, REST api, MUI (Material UI), TypeScript, PHP

The most amazing...

...thing was leading the development of Kallzu, 一个B2B服务,用于电话跟踪和按次付费(PPC)活动管理, widely recognized in the industry.

Work Experience

Senior Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2023
Physicians Immediate Care
  • 设计和开发诊所员工用来管理工作量的工具,以提高效率和更好的工作环境.
  • 开发了一个内部员工门户网站,供1500多名员工在内部网上使用.
  • Met with management, 与管理层和董事讨论抽象和模糊的想法, created project proposals, 然后将这些想法转化为现实生活中的应用.
  • 为内部团队和员工构建了超过五个工具,包括WordPress插件和React应用程序.
  • Worked as a server administrator, 包括管理Ubuntu服务器和应用安全补丁.
Technologies: WordPress,用户体验,用户界面设计,WordPress插件,WordPress主题, Figma, React, React Redux, JavaScript, SCSS, Git, MySQL, WordPress REST API, Composer, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Docker, Linux, Linux Administration, System Administration, Webpack, Webpack 4, Bootstrap, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5, APIs, Web Development, Web UX Design, SQL, REST APIs, JSON REST APIs, WordPress API, PHP, PHP 5, PHP 7, ECMAScript (ES6), ES7, Gravity Forms, Content Marketing Platforms, Beaver Builder, WordPress Page Builder, Create React App, Lumen, MUI (Material UI), Projects, System Design, Linux Servers, SendGrid API, jQuery, Twilio API, Back-end, Back-end Development, Front-end, Front-end Development, Full-stack, Docker Compose, Performance Tuning, WordPress Design, Programming, API Connectors, GitHub, Node.js, Project Management, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Scripting, LearnDash, User Interface (UI), Forms, Single Sign-on (SSO), Performance, WordPress Multisite, Web Scraping, Scraping, Integration, HTML Integration, API Integration, Webhooks, RESTful Services, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Website Optimization, Google Analytics, GitHub Actions, Relational Database Design, System Architecture Design, Project Consultancy, Membership Sites, Plugin Development, Website Performance, ChatGPT, SSH, Healthcare IT

Senior Full-stack Developer

2016 - 2021
Self Employed
  • 领导一个小型开发团队,为私人和企业客户服务.
  • Provided a variety of worldwide services, including development with WordPress, React/Redux, and Node.js; also did Chrome extension development.
  • 担任首席架构师和系统设计师,包括规划数据库关系和UI/UX.
  • 为小型企业、个人和大型公司构建网站和web应用程序.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, WordPress插件,WordPress主题,JavaScript, React, React Redux, Chrome Extensions, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP 7, PHP 5, REST APIs, WordPress REST API, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Bootstrap, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5, APIs, Web Development, SQL, Avada, Content Marketing Platforms, Beaver Builder, Create React App, Databases, DigitalOcean, DNS, Docker, Docker Compose, ECMAScript (ES6), Elementor, Express.js, Figma, Git, GoDaddy, Composer, Gravity Forms, JSON REST APIs, ES6 Promises, HTML UI, JSS, Linux, Ubuntu, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu Server, WooCommerce, Linux Servers, SendGrid API, Linux Administration, jQuery, System Design, Back-end, Back-end Development, Front-end, Front-end Development, Vagrant, Full-stack, Performance Tuning, WordPress Design, Programming, WooCommerce API, API Connectors, GitHub, Bitbucket, Scraping, Data Scraping, Node.js, Project Management, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), eCommerce, WP eCommerce, Scripting, GitHub Pages, Online Payments, User Interface (UI), Payment APIs, Forms, Single Sign-on (SSO), Oxygen, Performance, SQL Performance, Cache, WordPress Multisite, Docusaurus, Web Scraping, Integration, IDX Integration, HTML Integration, API Integration, Webhooks, RESTful Services, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Website Optimization, Google Analytics, GitHub Actions, Relational Database Design, System Architecture Design, Landing Pages, Lead Generation, B2B Lead Generation, Real Estate, Project Consultancy, Membership Sites, Plugin Development, Website Performance, SSH

Lead Project Developer

2013 - 2016
Chris Winters LLC
  • 为按次付费(PPC)营销人员设计和开发B2B电话跟踪和业务管理软件.
  • 计划和实现特性的bug修复,并管理CI/CD管道.
  • 提供技术支持,并担任技术支持台长, 其中包括关于软件特性的一般培训支持和对客户问题的明确回应.
  • Designed systems for company SaaS products. 创建数据库并优化其性能.
  • Created the occasional UI design and landing page design; also handled the implementation for company sales campaigns.
Technologies: WordPress, WordPress主题,WordPress插件,服务器管理,CentOS, REST APIs, Payment Gateways, PayPal API, Stripe API, Deployment, MySQL, PHP 5, PHP, PHP 7, Mailgun, SendGrid, SendGrid API, SQL, APIs, Twilio, Twilio API, Stripe, PayPal, System Design, Technical Support, Customer Support, Linux Servers, Linux Administration, jQuery, Back-end, Back-end Development, Front-end, Front-end Development, Vagrant, Full-stack, Performance Tuning, WordPress Design, Programming, JavaScript, API Connectors, SMS, GitHub, Bitbucket, Node.js, Data Scraping, Project Management, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Bootstrap, Online Payments, User Interface (UI), Payment APIs, Forms, WordPress Multisite, Integration, HTML Integration, API Integration, Webhooks, RESTful Services, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Website Optimization, Google Analytics, Relational Database Design, System Architecture Design, Landing Pages, Lead Generation, B2B Lead Generation, Project Consultancy, Membership Sites, Stripe Checkout, Plugin Development, Website Performance, SSH

WordPress Developer

2011 - 2013
CityStir Marketing
  • CityStir本地新闻网站的UI设计和WordPress主题开发, events, classifieds, and businesses.
  • 为CityStir本地站点管理超过10个WordPress站点,覆盖美国主要城市.
  • 为CityStir营销客户开发网页.
Technologies: WordPress, CSS, HTML, WordPress Themes, UI Design, MySQL, PHP, PHP 5, WordPress Plugins, SendGrid, APIs, jQuery, System Design, Back-end, Back-end Development, Front-end, Front-end Development, Full-stack, Performance Tuning, WordPress Design, Programming, JavaScript, API Connectors, GitHub, Project Management, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Bootstrap, Online Payments, User Interface (UI), Forms, WordPress Multisite, Integration, IDX Integration, HTML Integration, API Integration, Website Optimization, Google Analytics, Membership Sites, Plugin Development

UpSchema是一个JSON-LD创建和分发SaaS,具有易于使用的UI. 用户可以为他们的网站创建简单到复杂的JSON模式,并使用UpSchema提高搜索引擎的可见性. 它支持从一个控制面板向多个甚至数百个网站推送和拉取模式. UpSchema saves time and improves SEO results.



OpenAI (GPT)与使用语义内核的SAAS集成
该项目需要对一些特定主题进行广泛的研究,并通过OpenAI GPT-3以JSON格式创建建议.

提示工程需要创建一个有效和强大的提示. LLM(大型语言模型)编排是使用微软语义内核完成的.


Employee Onboarding Web Application
基于WordPress开发员工入职流程的web应用程序, REST API, and React. 该项目是作为美国紧急护理服务的插件发布的. 该应用程序使新员工和入职团队的入职过程更加顺畅.


一个基于react的UI,用于显示整个美国紧急护理诊所的分析和拥堵程度. 客户是伊利诺伊州和印第安纳州的主要紧急护理提供者.

As the software architect and lead developer, I handled the system design, 管理UI/UX设计人员以及前端和后端开发人员, 并贡献了前端和后端代码.

该软件帮助管理人员了解拥堵程度. 早期发现使他们能够调动额外的医疗人员到位, 改善医疗保健服务和客户满意度,减少员工倦怠.

SMS Scheduling Service | SMS Bot

一个纯粹基于SMS的运输行业客户的调度服务. The client needed a quick MPV for their idea. 我在这个项目中的角色是从头开始设计系统,并迅速完成概念.

该服务是用TypeScript、NestJS和Twilio SMS API创建的,并部署在Heroku上.


为一家汽车经销商开发了一个基于WordPress和Beaver Page Builder的小型商业网站. 重力表单用于捕获线索和高级电子邮件路由. I used WordPress Page Builder for flexibility, 允许客户端根据需要对内容进行更改.

URL Shortener with Tracking Pixels

Based on Node.js and the Pug template engine, 这个软件是一个URL缩短与像素跟踪和iframe覆盖. 用户可以用短URL隐藏原始URL,并在短URL中添加额外的跟踪像素,以便重新定位广告. 对于在社交媒体广告上花了很多钱的营销人员来说,这款软件是一个有用的工具.

我设计了UI/UX并使用Node构建了项目.js and the Pug template engine.

Adspider | Facebook Ad Viewer

一个以React为前端的WordPress插件. Adspider是一个网页应用程序,显示用户存档和活跃的Facebook广告的详细信息,如地理位置, likes and reactions, comment numbers, and gender distributions.

这是一个全面的工具,帮助用户评估他们的竞争对手的Facebook活动. The software is created as a WordPress plugin, 但前端的大部分工作都是基于react的.

UI Design:

Front-end Framework:
我使用React和Redux进行web应用程序的延迟加载和性能优化. The client managed the Facebook Ads API.

Interesting Note:
客户希望React应用程序作为WordPress插件,因为他们的会员区在WordPress站点上, 所以我创建了React应用程序与WordPress会员系统的集成, i.e., the WL Membership plugin.

内部网络的迷你instagram样的Web应用程序| WordPress, REST和React

一个类似instagram的照片分享和社交媒体网络应用程序,用于美国的紧急护理服务. With over 1,500 employees, 该公司希望想出一些有趣的东西来减轻员工在疫情期间的压力. 这款应用的功能包括照片上传、点赞、评论、提及和分享.

一个极简主义的WordPress公司网站| Beaver Builder

客户正在为他们的网站寻找一个简单而干净的设计, so I took a minimalistic approach to the site. The site was done using Beaver Page Builder, 哪个客户因为使用方便而感到满意.

一个工程师的个人网站| WordPress和海狸建设者

客户希望创建一个易于更新的网站,并希望顶部看起来像“谷歌的主页”.“我使用了网页建设者海狸建设者这个网站. 我还提供了其他服务,如邮箱设置和DNS设置的电子邮件.

从Figma Design实现Docusaurus文档站点
客户需要根据他们的Figma设计实现两个文档站点. 文献包的选择是Docusaurus. Although the design was nice and simple, 有必要定制Docusaurus主题来实现这个设计. 我还为文档站点实现了一个自定义域,并使用GitHub钩子自动部署到GitHub页面.



这个面向前端的网站是用Oxygen页面构建器重新设计的,它的页面速度得分更高, optimized images, and other media elements.


Sportsdemy b|直播体育比分和统计网站和移动应用程序

A website with scores, statistics, and fixtures for sports activities (football, basketball, NFL, etc.). 该项目需要扩展到每秒超过20,000个用户. 我是项目经理、首席架构师和首席开发人员. 我使用了微服务架构和全栈JavaScript (TypeScript)进行开发, 与UI/UX设计师密切合作,在Figma中提供最佳的网站布局,并在不同的设计阶段从客户那里获得反馈.

前端与Next/React(项目经理和首席开发人员):最新的NextJS v13与它的所有功能一起使用. 撰写项目规范,领导初级前端开发人员,并在NextJS中实现UI设计.

Back end with Nest/Express/Node.js(项目经理和团队负责人):创建项目规范,并帮助领导后端开发人员编码和集成外部和api. The back end included a public GraphQL API, a data collector from external APIs, and a Strapi CMS for static page data.

Infrastructure and deployment with Docker, Kubernetes, 和Terraform(项目经理):与DevOps工程师一起实现理想的Kubernetes基础设施. 使用Terraform在DigitalOcean服务器和Cloudflare上设置所需的基础设施.


JavaScript, PHP, SCSS, HTML, PHP 7, HTML5, ECMAScript (ES6), ES7, JavaScript 5, JavaScript 6, Pug, CSS, PHP 5, CSS3, SQL, Sass, TypeScript, Markdown, GraphQL, Python 3, Python


Express.. js, Bootstrap, Bootstrap 3, MUI(材质UI), Redux, MUI CSS, Lumen, NestJS, Jest, Next.js


WordPress REST API, WordPress API, WooCommerce API, jQuery, Node.. js, React, React Redux, REST API, Twilio API, PayPal API, Stripe API, SendGrid API, Stripe


Sequelize, GitHub, Bitbucket, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Git, Composer, Trello, Create React App, JSS, WP eCommerce, LearnDash, Google Analytics, Stripe Checkout, Docker Compose, Webpack, Figma, Vagrant, SendGrid, Webpack 4, NGINX, SuperTest, GitHub Pages, Terraform, React Apollo, Docker Hub


Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web UI Design, UI Design, Web UX Design, UX Design, Testing, Unit Testing, Microservices, REST, RESTful Development, Database Design, DevOps


WordPress, WooCommerce, LAMP, Twilio, Docker, CentOS, Linux, DigitalOcean, Mailgun, Ubuntu, Heroku, Kubernetes


WordPress Plugins, Programming, WordPress Themes, Chrome Extensions, WordPress Page Builder, Beaver Builder, Gravity Forms, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5, GoDaddy, DNS, Web Development, Web Scraping, JSON REST APIs, Back-end, Back-end Development, Full-stack, WordPress Design, Scraping, Data Scraping, Scripting, Online Payments, Forms, WordPress Multisite, Integration, IDX Integration, HTML Integration, API Integration, Webhooks, Website Optimization, Ajax, Plugins, Project Consultancy, Membership Sites, Plugin Development, Content Marketing Platforms, Healthcare IT, Stripe Payments, Elementor, APIs, ES6 Promises, Virtual Private Servers, Avada, React Toolkit, Performance Tuning, Website Performance, Performance Optimization, API Connectors, Front-end, Front-end Development, eCommerce, Payment APIs, Oxygen, Single Sign-on (SSO), GitHub Actions, System Architecture Design, Landing Pages, Lead Generation, B2B Lead Generation, Real Estate, SSH, Server Management, Payment Gateways, Deployment, Linux Servers, Linux Administration, System Administration, User Experience (UX), Web UI, Web App UI, Material Design, HTML UI, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu Server, Email, Projects, System Design, PayPal, Technical Support, Customer Support, MVP Design, SMS, SMS Bots, SMS Gateways, RESTful Microservices, Docusaurus, User Interface (UI), Performance, RESTful Services, RESTful Web Services, Software Architecture, Strapi, Apollo Server, Relational Database Design, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Semantic Kernel (SK), Engineering, FastAPI, Large Language Models (LLMs), ChatGPT, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Accessibility, Web Accessibility, Domain-driven Design (DDD)


MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL,数据库,SQL性能,缓存,Redis, Redis缓存

Industry Expertise

Project Management

2005 - 2010

