Ted Middleton, Developer in Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Ted Middleton

Verified Expert  in Engineering

C++ Developer

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
July 9, 2020

Ted是一名软件开发人员和程序员,拥有20年的专业编程经验,近25年的C和c++编程经验,Python编程经验也差不多. 他喜欢寻找干净的解决方案,并编写高质量、高价值的代码. Ted还擅长移植和构建可维护的跨平台软件,并且擅长运行时性能优化. In short, the software that Ted writes just works.


Integrated Cinematics
c++,虚幻引擎4,虚幻引擎5,c++ 17, Windows, Windows PowerShell
NDT Solutions LLC
Fortune 500 Data Science Software Company
c++, Python, c++ 17,桌面应用程序开发,Windows, Windows PowerShell




Preferred Environment

JavaScript, Python, c++, Linux, C, Rust, Linux Kernel, c++ 17

The most amazing...

...thing that I've developed was a social lobby engine for a game based on coroutines; it let us write a social lobby with just two developers rather than 20.

Work Experience

Software Engineer

2022 - PRESENT
Integrated Cinematics
  • 独自编写了一个MVP虚幻编辑器插件,将初创公司带向了他们的第一个付费客户.
  • 与客户一起诊断分布式虚幻墙壁显示系统的网络和图形问题.
  • 与公司创始人合作建立我们的开发团队,并聘请顶尖的c++开发人员.
技术:c++,虚幻引擎4,虚幻引擎5,c++ 17, Windows, Windows PowerShell

Senior C++ Developer

2023 - 2023
NDT Solutions LLC
  • 开发了一个桌面应用程序,使用涡流和超声波传感器执行和分析材料的非破坏性扫描.
  • 根据客户期望制定和管理扫描数据分析的性能要求.
  • 构建应用程序的下一代数据表示框架, 哪一组响应式管理大规模扫描数据, high-performance Qt widgets.

Software Engineer

2021 - 2022
Fortune 500 Data Science Software Company
  • 用高质量、可维护的修复修复了数十个客户关键缺陷.
  • 监督第三方非toptal承包商的代码审查.
  • Solved complex, 与低级平台问题和第三方软件缺陷相关的长期影响客户的问题和错误.
技术:c++, Python, c++ 17,桌面应用开发,Windows, Windows PowerShell

Software Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • 诊断并修复了一款Xbox One aaa游戏的用户临界崩溃缺陷.
  • 对本地化逻辑中的基础结构缺陷承担责任, especially for glyphing and right-to-left languages.
  • Created front-end logic-matched multiplayer games.
Technologies: C++, Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine, Xbox One, Xbox, Plugins, C++17, Windows, Windows PowerShell

Software Engineer

2017 - 2019
Arista Networks
  • 实现诊断工具,允许网络管理员查看数据中心路由器中的低级交换芯片寄存器,以跟踪网络异常情况.
  • 设计并实现了用于调试数据中心路由器低级交换芯片寄存器功能的采样逻辑,以提醒网络管理员注意特殊的网络流量错误.
  • 监督主要分支机构的健康状况,并对构建损坏进行分类.
Technologies: Python, C++, Networks, Linux Kernel, GDB, Assembler x86, x64 Assembly, C++17, Embedded Systems, Embedded C++, Embedded Software

Software Engineer

2011 - 2017
  • 优化了一个复杂的小波视频编解码器与ARM-NEON代码运行在一个低Cortex-A8 CPU. 该项目实现了令人印象深刻的8倍性能改进,是HP销售的一系列通用瘦客户机的支持技术.
  • 基于Qt编写Windows、Linux、macOS远程桌面客户端.
  • 实现了一个MacOS驱动程序,使USB设备访问公司的MacOS远程桌面解决方案成为可能.
  • 带领公司从Subversion迁移到Git,从SCons迁移到CMake.
Technologies: Qt, JavaScript, Java, Python, C++, Boost.Asio, C, Linux Kernel, GDB, Assembler x86, x64 Assembly, Firmware, Embedded Systems, Embedded C++, Embedded Software, Embedded C, Android, Real-time Operating System (RTOS), System-on-a-Chip (SoC), Desktop App Development, Windows

Software Engineer

2005 - 2010
Slant Six Games
  • 为实时策略游戏中的网络玩法设计并开发了异步网络仿真系统.
  • 开发了一个基于协程的在线大厅系统,用于配对和玩家聊天. Compared to the previous game, 这让我们减少了大量的样板代码和开发时间.
  • Diagnosed, mathematically characterized, 并且通过渲染故障和接缝减轻了侵略性顶点量化的影响. This was a huge memory saving.
技术:Python, c++, C,嵌入式系统,嵌入式c++,嵌入式软件

Software Engineer

2002 - 2005
Electronic Arts
  • Shipped three AAA console video games in as many years, each achieving at least an 80% Metacritic rating.
  • 与美工一起识别和重新设计团队美工工具中的缺陷, especially related to rendering.
  • 实现了车辆物理,特别是与车辆伤害相关的物理.
Technologies: Python, C++, Embedded C++, Windows

Teradici PCoIP协议的桌面软件客户端

我为基于qt的Windows编写了大部分原始实现, macOS, and Linux Teradici PCoIP clients, including the HTTP-client broker logic, the login flow logic, and the in-session window management.

Mainframe: Column-storage Dataframe for C++

大型机是用c++编写的数据科学数据框架工具, with the flexibility and power of Pandas, but the blistering speed of C++. 它使用先进的c++元编程技术,为开发人员和数据科学家提供符合人体工程学的界面,同时保持无与伦比的运行时性能.


C++, Python, Rust, MIPS, Assembler x86, x64 Assembly, C++17, Embedded C++, Embedded C, Java, JavaScript, C


Desktop App Development


Windows, Linux, Xbox, Android


FIX Protocol, Embedded Systems, Templates, Boost.Asio, Plugins, Firmware, Embedded Software, Networks, SIMD, Linux Kernel, Xbox One, Unreal Engine 5, Real-time Operating System (RTOS), System-on-a-Chip (SoC), Software Architecture, Architecture, Mathematics


Qt,虚幻引擎,Flask,虚幻引擎4,Windows PowerShell


Pandas, Node.js, Interactive Brokers API



1997 - 2002

Bachelor of Science Degree in Computing Science

University of Alberta - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

1993 - 1997

Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics

University of Alberta - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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